Pet Matchmaker
Pet Matchmaker
This website was a project for a software development class in which each student took on certain roles within their teams to simulate a real-world software team. For this project, I was the Founder and Team Lead since it was my idea. I also created the data in the database (MongoDB) with the points system so the user can get an accurate result. This project was inspired by 2010s BuzzFeed quizzes.
This website was a project for a software development class in which each student took on certain roles within their teams to simulate a real-world software team. For this project, I was the Founder and Team Lead since it was my idea. I also created the data in the database (MongoDB) with the points system so the user can get an accurate result. This project was inspired by 2010s BuzzFeed quizzes.
This is a REACT site with a MongoDB backend.
This is a REACT site with a MongoDB backend.